Monday, January 26, 2009

Right, and about that

So it's the end of January. Back at school for about 24 hours, classes starting tomorrow. If this semester doesn't kill me, I'm not really sure what will.

MWF we've got genetics (on Monday it's twice!), orgo, ballet, riding, and pointe class. 9:30-2:30, 'cept for Monday when I've got genetics from 3:30-4:20 too. TuTh we've got dance comp, modern (115 AND 116!), and either orgo or genetics lab 8:30-4:30 solid. Fun stuff. But by some crazy twist of fate, it's only 15 credits. Yea. Not cool.

On Friday, my right hip had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of a cortisone injection. 7th time I've had a large needle of some sort or another placed into my hip joint. 5th time for righty. Right, and I've had three surgeries too. WTF. Kocher had planned to knock me out for it "because people usually find it really painful, especially when he's doing both the joint and the psoas" but I talked him out of it. He agreed that if I'd had 5 arthrograms and a previous steriod injection and wasn't begging to be knocked out for this one, I'd do just fine. Pretty much called me a bamf after the fact. I believe his exact phrasing was "What do you NAILS for breakfast?! You didn't even flinch!" Yup, that's right, nails for breakfast and tacks for snacks. No, not really, my standards for pain have just changed alot over the past few years. And lidocaine is freaking AMAZING. Waiting for that to start kicking in. Feeling considerably less gimpy today than I did the past few days though so hopefully it'll be good to go by tomorrow. Would also appreciate it if his signature would scrub off my leg. I'm not entirely sure it was necessary to sign it at all, considering I was awake and could have just been like "yo, wrong leg" (though I'm sure lefty wouldn't have complained). I'm even less sure that it was necessary to sign it with a freaking permanent pen. I don't seem to remember it taking this long to scrub off after surgeries. It's totally going to show through my tights if I can't get it to scrub off by Wednesday. haha. That'll be a good thing to try and explain. I legit exfoliated my thigh this morning in the shower with all sorts of face wash...and it didn't really go much of anywhere. Whatevs.

Have to haul my (seemingly perpetually crippled) ass to PT again starting in two weeks. I guess I was supposed to start next week, didn't get that memo until after the fact so what can ya do. I'm too embarassed to go back to the place I was at because I was all "oh, I'm done with that now" before break and, well, obvi, I'm not. I probs could have gotten an appointment there, but, for the reasons discussed earlier, that's not going to happen. So I'm going some place down the street. And i'll be hauling ass there after classes. Fun. My favorite pasttime. Right. lolz.

Took class like mad crazy over break. Trying to get myself into shape. I'm not convinced. Mary seems to think I'm looking better but she's also the sweetest thing in the world. Auditions are in like 2 weeks, idk. Need to get in shape again ASAP. I've been saying that for quite some time. Can't believe it's already been 5 months since surgery. I've still got a long way to go.